Books & Resources

Book-Cover (Freedom 2nd)-Final-v19

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By Rachel Quast, M.A.

Freedom from the Storm Within helps the reader understand how her or his early experiences and personality create core beliefs and trauma patterns. It describes how those core beliefs or trauma patterns manifest into eating disorder behaviors and other addictions. Topics like “eating disorder language,” the eating disorder’s function, psychological needs, significance, family dynamics and eating disorder temperaments are included. Reflection questions after each activity help the reader integrate the information into one’s daily life. Ms. Quast also includes personal thoughts and journals from her recovery from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating to connect the reader to their own personal experiences. Due to the book’s heavy emphasis on underlying issues (anxiety, identity, thought patterns, early hurts, trauma) and core beliefs, this book is beneficial for anyone working through any addiction. It contains over 200 pages and is a great resource for individuals, counselors, teachers and family members of a person experiencing an eating disorder. The book includes:

*Sequel to Journey from the Storm Within
*Exposes underlying root causes of eating disorders to support complete recovery
*Questions to help readers internalize the information, creating growth
*Actual journal entries & story of Rachel Quast’s struggle with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating & exercise addiction
*Useful for anyone working through any addiction


PDF Electronic Version (Individual use ONLY) Price: $4.99 + tax

By Rachel Quast, M.A.

Journey from the Storm Within: 9 steps to eating disorder recovery guides readers through eating disorder recovery, step by step. Ms. Quast compiled the concepts and activities that were vital to her personal recovery from anorexia and bulimia into one, easy to use book. It provides a combination of cognitive behavioral and dialectical behavioral therapies, as well as imagery work to guide the person through expressing the original pain and trauma. It focuses on underlying issues which “feed” the disorder. This book can be used for those with eating disorders (male or female), body image issues or women empowerment groups. It is for individuals or group settings. Journey from the Storm Within has been used by a nationally known inpatient hospital, school counselors, community therapists and support groups. The book contains:

*A 9 step recovery process composed specifically for eating disorders
*Explanations to clarify the goal of each step
*Over 60, easy-to-use, activities to guide the person through each step
*Each activity is easily copied as a ready-to-go activity for teachers, counselors and group leaders
*Actual journal entries & story of Rachel Quast’s struggle with anorexia & bulimia coincide with each stept

By Rachel Quast, M.A.

 The Support Group Manual provides all the materials and information needed to lead an eating disorder, body image or women’s empowerment group. This manual coincides with the 9-step program provided in Journey from the Storm Within and Freedom from the Storm Within.

 *A 9 step program composed specifically for eating disorders
 *Discussion questions, activities, information & format provided to lead a 9-week group
 *Includes group rules, contracts, confidentiality forms & intake forms
 *Includes leader qualifications and group member screening guidelines

Price (Electronic copy only): $9.95 + tax
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By Rachel Quast, M.A.

  • This is a 1 hour presentation, in MP3 format, called, “The Role of Group Therapy in Recovery from Eating Disorders.” It includes the reasons why group is essential to recovery, guidelines to leading a healthy group, leader qualifications, group format, the 9-steps to eating disorders and specific examples of group activities.
  • This is a 1 hour presentation, in MP3 format, called, “Conflict & Communication.” Miss Quast discusses how and why conflict arises and how to handle it. She also explains several methods to create healthy communication in order to improve listening skills and decrease future conflicts.
  • “Eating Disorders & Obesity: Exposing the Storm Within” is 1.5 hrs long in MP3 format. Miss Quast discusses eating disorder & obesity statistics, unmet psychological needs which drive under- or overeating, Miss Quast’s personal struggle with anorexia, bulimia and binge eating and the 9-steps to eating disorder & emotional eating recovery.

Price: $5.99 + tax
Shipping/Handling: $2.99/copy
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MAIL CHECKS TO:  Rachel Quast * 111 E. Seeboth St. Suite 211 * Milwaukee, WI 53204

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